
Give to your community  

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The Guignolée of the Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul is a deeply rooted tradition in Quebec for decades, with the aim of providing essential support to people in need. You have the opportunity to get involved and make a difference through cash donations, non-perishable food items, and even by making online contributions!

The traditional Guignolée is a crucial event for the smooth operation of the activities of the Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul de Montréal (Island of Montreal, Laval and l'Assomption MRC). Last year, it enabled us to collect $523,653 in donations.

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A bit of history

Starting in November, the volunteers of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Montreal begin to launch one of its largest annual solidarity activities.

Indeed, the traditional "Guignolée" is an initiative of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, the first and oldest in Quebec. It started in 1861 for the first time in our rural areas, where residents decided to go door-to-door to collect food for those in poverty.

The collection takes place in a festive atmosphere, with a backdrop of Christmas carols and songs that the participants joyfully sing.

Today, the tradition continues thanks to the extensive solidarity network of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Montreal.

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Let's weave bonds of generosity

There are several ways to donate:

  • BY CHECK: Make your check payable to the Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul de Montréal and send it to 1930 rue de Champlain, Montreal, QC H2L 2S8 (if you wish to donate for a particular service point, please specify)

  • BY PHONE: Call 514 526-5937, extension 134

  • ONLINE: Click here