Solidarity Article #3

I remember this feeling that inhabited me. A beautiful school year was beginning and I was preparing for it. I couldn’t wait! I was excited to see my friends again, meet my teacher, see my new class. I cleaned out my pencil box, my mother bought me new supplies: a ruler, pencils, an eraser, lined paper. Back-to-school was synonymous of a new beginning!
I wanted to get good grades for the new year. I loved school. A lot. I set my own goals; I liked to perform and “be good”.
I remember Sister Rollande. She had called my mother to tell her that she could offer me a new pair of shoes to go to school. We went to the 5-10-15 store on St-Isidore Street in St-Lin-Laurentides. When I arrived in front of the shoes, I was not happy in my little child's heart... They were gray. I would have preferred the pink ones which were much more beautiful to my taste. But since we had them for free, I had no choice.
Today, I am so grateful to have benefited from this precious support. What a beautiful gesture. How grateful I am for this sister who helped us. My little gray shoes even inspired the song of the same title ''Mes p’tits souliers gris'', which I wrote a few years ago.
Children and adolescents are currently in need, just as my family and I have been in the past. During this back-to-school period, I thank you for your generosity towards the Opération Bonne Mine program of the SSVP de Montréal. Thanks to your donations, thousands of children receive help at the start of the school year.
Every child deserves to start the school year with the tools they need to thrive. Together, let's support today's youth; she is the future of tomorrow.
Opération Bonne Mine provides financial support to families experiencing economic difficulties with school-related expenses: tuition fees and daycare, educational materials, school supplies, transportation, etc.
Make a donation for back-to-school assistance
$50 = 1 child helped