
Solidarity Article #6 : Cookies and Milk 

17 December 2024

The snow has fallen, the blue sky is shining and everywhere, we can feel the frenzy of the holidays that are fast approaching. The department stores have magnificent windows, Santa Claus has paraded through the streets and his elves remind us that children dream of their gifts under the tree.

So that children's dreams can come true and they can attract Santa Claus into their living room, they want to leave him cookies and a glass of milk, of course. That's why so many volunteers are working behind the scenes right now, putting together Christmas baskets for families in need.

In recent days, you have been so generous at the Guignolée and on behalf of the Society of Saint-Vincent de Paul; I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This generosity that you demonstrate is a testament to your great humanity. Here, at home, we never let each other down and it's so beautiful to see.

There is still time to give, so that all children can have a beautiful Christmas.

A Christmas where no one is left behind. A peaceful, joyful and festive holiday season. Thank you for contributing to this important cause so that all children can offer milk and cookies to the one who reminds them that despite financial difficulties, they have the right to be children who dream at Christmas.


Gabrielle Destroismaisons
