
“The color of the day”, École Saint-Justin (Montreal) - 2022/2023 

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Presentation card

  • Project name: La couleur du jour
  • Participating school: Saint-Justin School, Montréal
  • Participating group: 24 4th grade students
  • Speakers: Gabrielle Gingras, doctoral student in psychology, M.A. ATPQ, art therapist
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Project description

The aim here was to improve students' attitudes towards school by using constructivist approaches and artistic interventions to strengthen their self-esteem, peer relationships, resilience and creativity. The first weeks focused on engaging students and forming a therapeutic alliance, followed by activities to manage stress and build resilience. The project concluded with the creation of thoughtful self-portraits, representing the future aspirations of young people. Overall, this project encourages hope and promotes positive changes in the lives of students.

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